Naimisha Forest
Hello President Trump: Let’s Not Repeat the Economic Tragedy of the 2010s in the 2020s
If President Trump wants to bring the economy quickly back to full employment, he will have to confront the Establishment wing of his Republican party. The clash – if it comes – will be over Establishment Republican hostility to government spending. More spending will be needed to bolster an economy staggering under the blows of . . .
Posted in: conservatismeconomicsfiscal policymacroeconomicsmonetary policynationalismobamapandemicspopulismtrump
Why Trump?
I try to stay away from overtly partisan political blogging. One more article on why we should loathe or love Donald Trump? Please. Still, it’s hard to resist the odd political observation. There was abundant commentary in late January on the first anniversary of the Trump presidency. The President’s supporters celebrated his . . .
Posted in: clintonsethnicityfree speechidentity politicsimmigrationnationobamapolitical correctnesspoliticsreligiontrumpusa
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